
10 12月





Rose: I actually have the experience.  When I was working as a flight attendant, my coworker didn’t like I spent too much time on a very demanding passenger. 



Saya: Well, it seems necessary to me that you spent more time on the passenger since the person had more needs than others.

Rose: Yeah, I said exactly the same thing to the coworker.  But, what she said was, “All customers need to be treated equal.  Did you know that I had to cater dinner all by myself because you were with the customer?  It took so much time for me to cater every single customer alone, as a result, the meal for the passengers sitting at the very end got cold.” 



Michel: I see.  That makes sense. 



Rose: Yeah.  She was right.  I should have told the passenger that I needed to go after a while. 



Saya: And, you could tell the passenger that you will come back as soon as you finished your other job.



Rose: Exactly!



Michel: So, what’s the solution to solve the conflict?



Saya: When it happens, listen to the person carefully and understand why he or she thinks that way.  We also need to explain what we think.  Then, find the solution together.  Corporation is key.



Rose: Sounds like a good solution.




It seems necessary to me that you spent more time on the passenger since the person had more needs than others.



また、the person had more needs than others.は比較級ですね。

比較級は、主語+be動詞+比較級 than~.が基本の型ですが、上のように主語+動詞+more名詞 than ~.のような形をとることができます。


I should have told the passenger that I needed to go after a while. 


主語+should have+完了形で「~するべきだったのに(実際はしなかった)」という表現をとることができます。







When+主語+動詞, 主語+動詞「~の時~だ。」

例:When I was studying for an exam, my sister was watching TV.

I said exactly the same thing:全く同じことを言った。

as a result:結果として

(photo: gaborcselle / flickr )
(photo: thephotographymuse / flickr )